Wednesday, June 20, 2012

my favorite day- wednesday!

Wednesday is half off day at salvation army and it is always an interesting experience [to say the least]. I try to go every Wednesday, but it doesn't always happen. However, I made it there today and got some sweet stuff:

Beautiful goldish yellow dress from the Limited- $3.65, Short Sleeve button up for Dan- $1.65, Comfy over-sized coral sweat shirt- $1.65, Grey T-shirt for Dan- $1.15, Blue Tank top- $0.65, (2) Tie's [the brown one has tiny owl's on it] $1.99 each, (3) books- $0.25 each, and a Scarf- $0.99.

What a handsome bounty- about $15 for everything and it all happened to color coordinate- you can't beat it.

This week has been crazy- I have been preparing for some of my best lady friends visit to celebrate one of my most favorite and most talented friends [Ashley V] upcoming nuptials!
 I am pretty spazy and like to get projects done that I have been putting off before I have visitors, so I repainted the mirror in the bedroom and finally finished painting a beaded chandlier that I created sometime last year (geesh!).

 When I first painted the mirror a while ago it was intended to be a light warm grey, it came out more of a very cool, very blue grey- I did not like it. So I had some yellow paint that I snagged from my sister and I thought I would give that a try- it is pretty but it is very very yellow- I don't like it in the room- woops, my plans for a beautiful mirror have been foiled again. I will probably paint it again next week- I'll keep you updated [I know you can't wait].

 The beaded chandelier- I am going to hang it in the back yard for the party.

A peak into the bachelorette party decorations- the wedding theme is "denim and pearls" so I'm going with it. I'll post more details on the planning, the decorations and the lovely ladies next week. 
I'm so excited!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it! I need to shop on Wednesday. Super pumped for this weekend. I think that I like the mirror, but if it is too yellow, maybe try wiping a stain over it. Or if you want it lighter, rag some pewter or white on it to tone down the yeller. Can't wait to see everything!